Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new. many things have happened since my last post. I will start with the death of my aunt Theresa. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed away a little over a month later. This was a huge blow, not only at the loss of her life which is so tragic, but the loss of another family member to this disease. It hit me as the ONLY living survivor in my family VERY hard! Like a Mack truck hard! God told me two years ago that I was NOT a statistic as I stared at my computer screen on searching through stage 4 survivors stats wondering what my odds were based upon my staging, tumor size and number of positive lymph nodes. He told me then to fix my eyes on Him and quit looking at everyone else. It is hard but for the most part I do, until I lose yet another family member. It takes me back and not in a good way.
  In the midst of her illness and just days before her death I finally found a house in my budget with terms I could accept. I felt this house was from God. The owner's mother was a pink warrior whom lost the battle, she in fact is buried in the cemetery behind my home. Her daughter, a tender beautiful woman painted the bathroom of my home pink, burns a pink light in the front of the house and also like me, wears pink everyday in remembrance of her mom. The whole story is a God thing! The day after we had the visitation for my aunt, also behind my house at the funeral home, I signed the papers and moved in. The entire time the enemy is screaming at me that I am gonna be next and that they won't have to take me far since I already live behind the cemetery. What a filthy liar!
     News flash, I am NOT a statistic, I am not a product of a genetic or generational curse or abnormality. I am a warrior! I denounce any evil plot from the enemy to steal my life or my family or my children. I will not accept it! I am not just a pink warrior princess, I am a member of God's army. He has protected me, held my head up when I didn't have the strength to do it myself. He has carried me through the DARKEST days of my life and restored me. He continues to restore me daily. He sets me on my feet. I am sooo thankful for my savior, my friend Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the cross set me free of sin, death and sickness. I do NOT have to accept cancer or disease. This is my testimony and I am to tell LOTS of women. Praise You God, for You are my redeemer!
   So, back to the house that God gave. I immediately knew I would host Jewels meetings here and maybe some Pink Princess activities, but I really had not caught the vision God had for this house when He gave it to me. He first had to reassure me that I was not given this house to die in it, this is part of the restoration process just like the car, my breasts, my smile, my heart. Okay, so now that know I am not coming here to die.....what do you want me to do with it God? I had been putting things away when I realized that in the last couple of moves I had downsized little by little and really have very little to store in my basement. What a HUGE space! What would I do with it?
    I  am unpacking and start to put my kids pics on the fridge with magnets like I always had. The magnets I had collected over the last few years were from the Kansas City Cancer Center and chemotherapy drug companies. As I begin to hang the photos of my beautiful kids I think "you should throw them away", but I didn't have anymore to replace them and wanted to hang the photos. So, I pressed on. I got the photos arranged perfectly and stood back to see my miracles surrounded by cancer. I knew before I placed them all I shouldn't have, but after they were there I KNEW that I KNEW that they were to go! I began to cry. God began to speak to me reminding me of the promises of life and all The times He told me to never look back. 
    I was on a mission after that to rid my new home of all things cancer. I found literature from when I was diagnosed, about the chemo, staging, and the likes. I found a shoe box full of drugs for nausea, steroids for allergic reactions, pain meds from post surgery, muscle relaxers for my tissue expander pain, neurontin for the nerve damage I had in my fingers and toes after chemo when I couldn't even feel my feet. I threw it all out! Honestly anything that remotely had anything to do with cancer I ditched. 
   And then there was the wigs......The wigs have always been so much fun for me. I LOVE THEM! I mean REALLY love them. I feel as though they are the most wonderful accessory one could have! I know it is NOT normal. Anyway, those are still hanging around. BUT, it felt sooo good to get rid of that stuff! Then it hit me.....the basement should be used for Team Pink Princess as a studio full of great clothes, accessories, make up, wigs and jewelry. Sounds awesome huh!? I started Team Pink with a superficial mission to help women restore their appearance, gain lost self esteem and look great! All great ideas, but not God's plan. He wants to restore from the inside out. He had not completed the work in me yet, I take longer than most in case you forgot. He and I had a long road to haul from the birth of TPP till now and I know that this is not the end either. Team Pink Princess will continue to evolve as I do in this process. 
    The next step for Team Pink Princess is to begin hosting Princess parties for those women just entering treatment, emerging from it or just needing a lift. I am hoping to have skincare, skin, hair and make up people, clothing and jewelry people as well as tattoo artists to help with nipple tattooing or restoration and or/permanent make up. I welcome all of you to help me get this project off the ground. I am also needing a contractor or construction person to help transform the basement into a Pink Princess studio, at this time it is a bare and unfinished basement. Thank you to all that support and love me. Your commitment and hearts are amazing! Thank you God, the God of new beginnings and restoration. The GREAT I AM!

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