Sunday, October 17, 2010

HAIR, here today....gone tomorrow?

        I would like to just say thank God this is a new chemo free week :)  I can say that, chemo, although you are ravishing red in color and may or may not be nick named RED DEVIL, you have not defeated ole' H. She has been in the ZONE since the diagnosis and continues to propel her self forward because looking back has no value in this situation. Why I am writing in third person? Anyway, this is day 6 of my first chemo cycle and although the initial shock to my system brought nausea and may or may not have taken away the desire to eat IN A TUB tacos for a while, it was relatively non eventful. I did not throw up, get the scoots, or lose any hair!!!!! WOW, why am I not losing hair? Is this an answer to prayer? Not sure but going with it for now. I haven't colored or cut it in months and pretty much look like the shaggy dog, in fact the wigs look soooo much better than my real hair now I wear them even though I haven't went bald. Plus, as Paris says they are HOT!!!
    I have had so much support and love from my family and church family. I am humbled by the words and the acts of kindness, Popeye's chicken from my dear friend Marilyn and all the fixin's she made at home, just after I mentioned that chicken sounded good. The way to this girls heart is through her stomach people, so in place of flowers and cards....chicken plz. LOL! I am totally KIDDING. Don't send me chicken:) I did have some muscle aches after my NEULASTA gold shot, I call it the gold shot because I could use $3500 worth of clothes and shoes rather than this bi-weekly shot. $3500 x 4....that is a lot of shoes and purses people, but it does boost my bone marrow and white and red count so I can continue to live a semi normal life, thus the boy in the bubble. So, to recap....nausea, muscle and joint pain, a little dizzy here and there and the infamous red urine incident (which is a result of the RED DEVIL) and little Heather heading to bed before midnight, chemo has disrupted my life very little. I have avoided crowds some and am missing my church family today. I am scheduled for a CBC in the morning and have a oncologist appointment tomorrow to see how I am doing after the first infusion.
    So, having said that I just want to thank my family and friends and my beautiful, wonderful daughter that graced me with her presence this entire weekend, for all the continued love and support and most of all thank you Jesus Christ for giving me the strength and the courage to face this disease always knowing that you are carrying me though.


  1. Heather,
    I admire your determination and most of all your faith in GOD!! Your will to go on and not give up.. Your faith in GOD to take on with a positive attitude whatever he sends your way on your journey here...
    You are a wonderful example of a Christian woman that never gives up on GOD or life!!

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  2. I agree 100% with Ronda! You will get through this! You have an awesome attitude!

  3. You are brave, keep your chin up girl! You have such a great attitude in such a crummy situation. I went through a horrible situation myself a couple of years ago, although it was not cancer, I did find out that Jesus is always there to pick you up and give you strength and courage. I admire how you are handling this and am here for anything you need. Take Care,


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