It has become more and more apparent to me that I have a responsibility to make something good out of the last years heartache and trials. Having said that I have wondered which way God would take me, how He would use me, where I would go and what I would do. I have been dabbling in this and that. I have been approached by some to write forwards on their book, others to speak at events, and as late as this morning to work on a short story for a book collaboration by two other AMAZING survivors. I have been trying to decide on going back to work full time or continue doing the ventures I am pursuing at this time. I have started the process of launching my own website, WOW, what a job that is, it should be up by the first of November. The website and my mission is to unite other survivors, offer support and encouragement as well as have FUN! I love all things girl as many of you know, though this journey strips from you of many things that are PRINCESS! Things I once considered part of my womanhood. I struggled as many of you know with losing my hair, my breasts and my ability to have another child after diagnosis., as well as the thoughts of losing the battle. Cancer isn't for cowards people!!!
God, fashion, food, antiques, gardening, hunting, food, volunteering, working out, being a mom, food, all of these are things and much much more define who I am, NOT cancer! Did I mention good food? LOL! I want women to come together on my site and network with other young women that are facing the same issues, but choose to THRIVE! I have struggled with pursuing anything that had breast cancer in the name as a career because I wanted cancer to stay in my rear view. It is still in my rear view and some days I embrace it because nothing short of that would have brought about the changes in me. On other days I wish I could wake up and it all have been a BAD DREAM! Well, one thing I can do is continue to keep living, keep busy raising my kids, volunteering and helping others, eating well, exercising and enjoying my life. Everyday is a gift, none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow, with or without cancer. I have been blessed beyond measure despite the obstacles and trials I have been through in the last year. God has supplied every need for me and I want for nothing! I long to serve and edify him every day from here on out.
Team Pink Princess is my way of moving past cancer, helping and serving others, giving those struggling hope that they too shall get though this!!!! Please continue to follow me and The Team PINK PRINCESS on Facebook and coming soon I pray with God's help it explodes into a great ministry for those walking this path. Remember with God ALL things are possible!!!!!